PSM 900
SKU: PSM 900
舒尔PSM 900无线个人监听系统采用音频参考压缩扩展专利技术和专利CueMode功能,发射机线性度性能优异,提供出色的音质和可靠的射频性能,可以满足各种专业音频应用的需求。PSM 900系统每个频带可兼容20个频率通道,调谐带宽为36至40MHz,完全有能力应对包括专业IEM和IFB应用在内的严苛环境。
IEM 配置
With patented Audio Reference Companding, exceptional transmitter linearity, and patented CueMode functionality, the Shure PSM 900 Wireless Personal Monitor System meets the needs of professional audio applications of all kinds, providing excellent audio quality and reliable RF performance. Twenty compatible frequencies per band and a 36 MHz to 40 MHz tuning bandwidth (region dependent) give the PSM 900 system the horsepower to handle demanding environments, including professional IEM and IFB applications. Add Shure professional Sound Isolating™ Earphones and for total audio conviction, start to finish.